See Macclesfield
PR and communications
When one of Europe’s biggest development schemes was approaching a key phase, we were asked to support the public relations, social media and stakeholder engagement functions.
After several years of intense planning, consultations, and infrastructure work, Wirral Waters was beginning to take shape and transform the Mersey waterfront.
Peel Land & Property’s Wirral Waters is a 500-acre site comprising former dockland which Peel inherited after acquiring the Mersey Docks and Harbour Company in 2005.
Peel has launched a 30-year strategy which will transform the derelict site into a sustainable location for local and international businesses, creating more than 20,000 permanent jobs for the Liverpool City Region, as well as offering new housing opportunities.
We looked after all public relations and media engagement for Wirral Waters, developing and distributing information to the media and responding to media enquiries on behalf of Peel and Wirral Waters.
We supported efforts to keep local stakeholders up to date and informed. This involved direct engagement with local and national politicians, council officers, civil servants, local interest groups and local residents.
We also managed the Wirral Waters social media accounts, developing content and providing daily updates and insights into the largest regeneration project in the UK.
Key results include positive news coverage of Wirral Waters across local and regional media, and consistent growth in terms of reach, engagement and following on social channels.