Liverpool John Lennon Airport

Liverpool John Lennon Airport was fast becoming widely recognised as one of the leading airports in the UK.

Their brand needed to better reflect the personality, vibrancy and ambition of the faster, easier, friendlier airport.


Retain the heritage of the brand, bring the assets of the brand together under a consistent framework, and inject a fresh style with longevity.


The logo is more digital-friendly and the illustration has moved from the left to the right, bringing it to the forefront of the brand.

The refreshing, seamless airport experience is reflected in the extended colour palette and the free-flowing aura is a visual representation of the Faster, Easier, Friendlier experience.

The airport has multiple sub brands and assets; the rebrand encompassed the full infrastructure and introduced a hierarchy within the brand family to maintain consistency.


Positive stakeholder feedback and sentiment across media coverage, and a continued relationship with the airport, providing creative services on a retainer basis.

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